Tele-Timer Software

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Tele-timer provides multiple timers including Pomodoro, Lunch, and Telephone timers. Includes on-screen “eye-catching” skins and hidden task-bar progress meters. Custom set your work-time and break intervals. Telephone audible and visual alerts to keep track of long phone conversations.

  • (22) different skins to choose from.
  • (12) different audible sounds to choose from
  •   (8) Customizable Pomodoro intervals.
  • (Unlimited) choice of skin hues and colors.

Allows use in a window, or minimized, and out of the way. License update direct through the program Paypal. Designed for Windows Operating Systems.

Screen Shots

A Few of the available Skins

Other Forms

Operation Forms & Menus

Additional Timers

Separate Lunch & Phone Timers

Payment Options

Built in program payment system